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In Common View - a project by AFH Athens team 

date: Feb - May 2012

location: National Thater Main Building, Athens, Greece

AFH Athens team: C. Nikoloutsou, Th. Ntatsopoulou, F. Kyriakidou, M. Spiliadi, T. Breki, D. Filippidou, K. Pitti, S. Kremmyda

   Following the invitation of the contemporary art program of the National Theater of Greece (The Other Dimension), the AFH Athens team, comprised by 9 people, developed the design and managed the construction of an events’ platform that hosted the series of events “Common view”, in the outdoor area of the main building of the National Theater.
    What was particularly interesting in this project was that the design team had to use mostly items that were used as set design in previous shows of the Theater and upcycle them for the platform.
    Within the platform, 2 amphitheater areas were created, as well as two seating areas. A large corridor connecting all of the above was the main design feature, as it reversed the idea of the spectator hiding in the safety of the theater darkness and brought them into the spotilight.


   Special thanks to Katerina Tselou and Eleni Koukou, curators of Common View program, for their support during this project.

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